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47[SCI paper] A. M. AWALUDIN, et al., "A High-Performance ECC Processor Over Curve448 Based on a Novel Variant of the Karatsuba Formula for Asymmetric Digit Multiplier", IEEE Access 10, 202206 Level 1024
1[SCI paper] Afifatul Mukaroh, et al., "Background Load Denoising across Complex Load Based on Generative Adversarial Network to Enhance Load Identification", Sensors 20(19), 202010 Level 1022
79[국제학회] Agus Mahardika Ari Laksmono, et al., "Secure Sensor Data Transmission in IoT: Robust Implementation of LWM2M on the Lightweight Device Communication", Platcon2023, 20230816 Level 1011
91[국제학회] Aji Teguh Prihatno, et al., "2D Fluid Flows Prediction Based on U-Net Architecture", 2023 ICAIIC, 20230220 Level 1013
82[국제학회] Aji Teguh Prihatno, et al., "A New Frontier in Digital Security: Verification for NFT Image using Deep Learning-based ConvNeXt Model in Quantum Blockchain", WISA2023, 20230823 Level 108
75[SCI paper] Aji Teguh Prihatno, et al., "NFT Image Plagiarism Check Using EfficientNet-Based Deep NeuralNetwork with Triplet Semi-Hard Loss", applied sciencse, 20230227 Level 1012
15[국제학회] Asep Muhamad Awaludin, et al, "AnyTRNG; Generic, High-throughput, Low-area True Random Number Generator based on Synchronous Edge Sampling", WISA 2021, 202108 Level 1027
92[국제학회] Chang Woo Choi, et al., "Indoor Space Flow Analysis Based on Deep Learning", 2023 ICAIIC, 20230220 Level 1012
83[국제학회] Dedy Septono Catur Putranto, et al., "Exploring Hybrid Quantum-Classical Approaches for Information Security", WISA2023, 20230823 Level 1013
21[SCI paper] Gijun Oh, et al., "Efficient Key-Value Data Placement for ZNS SSD", Applied Sciences 11(24), 202112 Level 1036
51[SCI paper] GISU YEO, YERYEONG KIM, SUHYEON SONG and DONGHYUN KWON, "Efficient CFI Enforcement for Embedded Systems using ARM TrustZone-M", IEEE Access 10, 202212 Level 1031
3[국제학회] Haeyoung Kim, et al., "RIMI: instruction-level memory isolation for embedded systems on RISC-V", ICCAD 2020, 202011 Level 1023
73[SCI paper] Haeyoung Kim, Harashta Tatimma Larasati, Jonguk Park, Howon Kim and Donghyun Kwon, "DEMIX: Domain-Enforced Memory Isolation for Embedded System ", Sensors 23, 20230329 Level 1011
76[SCI paper] HARASHTA TATIMMA LARASATI, DEDY SEPTONO CATUR PUTRANTO, RINI WISNU WARDHANI, AND HOWON KIM "Depth Optimization of FLT-Based Quantum Inversion Circuit", IEEE Access, 20230607 Level 1010
16[국제학회] Harashta Tatimma Larasati, et al, "Quantum Cryptanalysis Landscape of Shor's Algorithm for Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem", WISA 2021, 202108 Level 1018
10[SCI paper] Harashta Tatimma Larasati, et al., "Quantum Circuit Design of Toom 3-Way Multiplication", Applied Sciences 11(9), 202104 Level 1022
88[국제학회] Harashta Tatimma Larasati, et al., "Quantum Circuit Designs of Point Doubling for Binary Elliptic Curves", WISA2023, 20230823 Level 107
53[국제학회] Harashta Tatimma Larasati, Muhammad Firdaus and Howon Kim, "Quantum Federated Learning: Remarks and Challenges", 2022 9th IEEE CSCloud/2022 IEEE 8th EdgeCom, 202206 Level 1023
54[국제학회] Harashta Tatimma Larasati, Thi-Thu-Huong Le and Howon Kim, "Trends of Quantum Computing Applications to Computer Vision", 2022 PlatCon, 202208 Level 1030
111[국내학회] HUYNH THIEN TRANG, MYOUNG-JONG KIM, "Reconciling the perceptions of academics and practitioners on earnings management", 한국경영정보학회 추계학술대회, 20231125 Level 103
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