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76[SCI paper] HARASHTA TATIMMA LARASATI, DEDY SEPTONO CATUR PUTRANTO, RINI WISNU WARDHANI, AND HOWON KIM "Depth Optimization of FLT-Based Quantum Inversion Circuit", IEEE Access, 20230607 Level 1010
95[국내논문지] 김명종, 안재현, 김윤후, "금융 분야의 범주 불균형 문제 해결을 위한 성과 최적화 기반의 부스팅학습", JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN DATA ANALYSIS SOCIETY, 25(2), 202308 Level 1011
79[국제학회] Agus Mahardika Ari Laksmono, et al., "Secure Sensor Data Transmission in IoT: Robust Implementation of LWM2M on the Lightweight Device Communication", Platcon2023, 20230816 Level 1011
73[SCI paper] Haeyoung Kim, Harashta Tatimma Larasati, Jonguk Park, Howon Kim and Donghyun Kwon, "DEMIX: Domain-Enforced Memory Isolation for Embedded System ", Sensors 23, 20230329 Level 1011
103[국내학회] 정한호, 김요한, 조재한, 김호원, "블록체인 오라클 문제 해결 기술에 대한 연구 동향", CISC-S'23(하계학술대회), 2030622 Level 1012
94[국제학회] Rini, et al., "Quantum Circuit for High-degree and half-Multiplcation For Post-Quantum Analysis", ICISC2023, 20231130 Level 1012
80[국제학회] Muhammad Iqbal, et al., "Enhancing IoT Security: Integrating MQTT with ARIA Cipher 256 Algorithm Cryptography and mbedTLS ", Platcon2023, 20230816 Level 1012
78[국제학회] Jiwin Seo, et al., "Sfitag: Efficient Software Fault Isolation with Memory Tagging for ARM Kernel Extensions", ACMASIACC23, 20230710 Level 1012
75[SCI paper] Aji Teguh Prihatno, et al., "NFT Image Plagiarism Check Using EfficientNet-Based Deep NeuralNetwork with Triplet Semi-Hard Loss", applied sciencse, 20230227 Level 1012
92[국제학회] Chang Woo Choi, et al., "Indoor Space Flow Analysis Based on Deep Learning", 2023 ICAIIC, 20230220 Level 1013
91[국제학회] Aji Teguh Prihatno, et al., "2D Fluid Flows Prediction Based on U-Net Architecture", 2023 ICAIIC, 20230220 Level 1013
83[국제학회] Dedy Septono Catur Putranto, et al., "Exploring Hybrid Quantum-Classical Approaches for Information Security", WISA2023, 20230823 Level 1013
74[SCI paper] Hyoeun Kang, et al., "A new fluid flow approximation method using a vision transformer and a U-shaped convolutional neural network", AIP Advances, 20230206 Level 1013
108[국내학회] 오시몬, 오경우, 김재현, 조재한, 정한호, 김호원, "사용자 익명성을 고려한 온체인 및 디파이 활동 데이터 기반 신용평가 플랫폼 제안", 한국정보보호학회 동계학술대회, 20231202 Level 1014
102[국내학회] 강효은, 신영재, 심혜진, 홍윤영, 김보금, 최창우, 김용수, 김호원, "Graph Neural Network-Based Approach for Adversarial Defense in ImageClassification Tasks Detecting Adversarial Samples in Crowd-sourcing Platforms", Level 1014
99[국내학회] 강하영, 송수현, 권동현, "커버리지 기반 웹어셈블리 퍼저의 분류와 한계점", ASK 2023(춘계학술발표대회), 20230519 Level 1014
81[국제학회] Jaehyun Kim, et al., "Improving Voting of Block Producers for Delegated Proof-of-Stake with Quadratic Delegate", Platcon2023, 20230816 Level 1014
89[국제학회] Iqbal, et al., "The Sky's Betrayal: Drone Hijacking on DJI Enhanced WiFi Protocol", WISA2023, 20230823 Level 1015
107[국내학회] 최성찬, Ganchuluun Narantsatsralt, Ariunbold Odgerel, 윤성준, 안성용, "딥러닝 기반 Hot/Cold 분류를 이용한 SSD 쓰기 증폭 개선", 제30회 한국반도체학술대회, 20230215 Level 1017
50[SCI paper] YUSTUS EKO OKTIAN, Thi-Thu-Huong Le, Uk Jo and Howon Kim, "RealPRice: Blockchain-Powered Real-Time Pricing for software-Defined Enabled Edge Network", sensors 22(24), 202212 Level 1017
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